About International Student Loan
Finding a student loan for international students can be hard.
International Student Loan has been helping international students and study abroad students finance their international studies since 1998. Now owned and operated by MPOWER Financing, Public Benefit Corporation, we work hard to present the best financing options available for international study.
Our international student loan comparison tool which is the first of its kind taking into consideration the needs of foreign students. Students no longer have to check with every lender to see whether they are eligible.
Our loan comparison tool does all the work so that you can focus on evaluating student loan options to make sure you’ve made the right decision.
We know it's not easy to fund an international education, but money isn't the only concern and we are here to help. Our team has created resources to equip you with the information you need as you navigate the complex world of international student financial aid an more. Our resources and blog are designed to keep you up to date with industry changes to make sure you are well informed and have access to the best available financing.

Learning More About
International Student Loans

International Student Loan is proud to offer the best student loan options for foreign study. If you are interested in learning more about our products, choose from the following:
Want to learn more? Contact us to find additional answers to your student financing questions.